Sri Adhyayan


The early years are a critical time for child development. This is because the brain is growing and developing at a rapid pace during this time. Children who have a strong foundation in the early years are more likely to be successful in school and later in life.

In Sri Adhyayan we work on following skill development

Understand and respond to their environment

Develop the skills they need to function independently

Build positive relationships with others

Handle their emotions in constructive ways

Achieve their full potential

Concept formation

Fine and gross motor skills and why they are important

Socio-Emotional Development

Language Devlopment



Reading Readiness

Writing Readiness

Fine and Gross motor skills are important for :

Efficient body management

Strength and speed of the movements

Rhythmic body movement

Eye-hand co-ordination

Small and delicate muscle development

Intellectual development

Reasoning and answering skill

Observation skill

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